trap doors - definition. What is trap doors
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Trap door; Hatch (door); Access hatch; Trap-door; Hatch (nautical); Hatch-way; Hatch way; Hatchways; Hatch-ways; Hatch ways; Trapdoors; Trap-doors; Trap doors; Hatch door
  • 19th century Star trap from the [[Theatre Royal, Drury Lane]], London, Now at the [[Victoria and Albert Museum]]
  • square-rigged]] sailing cargo ship
  • A trapdoor to a [[bomb shelter]] from [[World War II]]

also trap door (trapdoors)
A trapdoor is a small horizontal door in a floor, a ceiling, or on a stage.
·noun A lifting or sliding door covering an opening in a roof or floor.
II. Trapdoor ·noun A door in a level for regulating the ventilating current;
- called also weather door.
¦ noun
1. a hinged or removable panel in a floor, ceiling, or roof.
2. a feature of a computer program which allows surreptitious unauthorized access.



A trapdoor is a sliding or hinged door in a floor or ceiling. It is traditionally small in size. It was invented to facilitate the hoisting of grain up through mills, however, its list of uses has grown over time. The trapdoor has played a pivotal function in the operation of the gallows, cargo ships, trains, booby traps, and more recently theatre and films.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. and hijacker encapsulation devices, and trap doors,
Annals of Improbable Research _ Marc Abrahams _ Talks at Google
2. So I think for me on Yelp it's the trap doors.
LA Son _ Roy Choi _ Talks Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. As the two trap doors swung open, the force of the rope jerked Barzan‘s head off.
2. Morritt would usher a live and frequently uncooperative donkey into a specially designed chamber (on wheels, to show that no trap–doors were being used) and, while the audience listened expectantly for the sound of its hooves pounding the wood of its prison, made it disappear.
3. I was with them in Husayba as they went house to house in an area where insurgents would booby–trap doors, or lie in wait behind closed doors with an AK–47, basically on suicide missions, just waiting for the Marines to come through and open fire.